A Picture Tells a Thousand Words
Every day we see things through the lenses of our eyes. Each of those things we see have their own story, but many people don't ever get to hear them. From Eye to Ink's job is to give everyone and everything the opportunity to have a new story, one that is your own. Take a photo and write any narrative to it. Life is just one large cliffhanger so why not create your own universe out of the most mundane of things? We are all writers and storytellers, so let's get started. See. Imagine. Write.
-Franco Machado-Pesce
Love photography and writing? Learn about our mission and why we value people's creativity and imagination. We want your vision to materialize so let us know if you'd be interested in our style.
The PhotoSTORy
Read our short stories and blogs. Enjoy the talent of our amazing writers.